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Generous Giving

In response to the many gifts that God has given us we are called to offer something of ourselves in return.


Church members contribute to the life and work of the church in many different ways. This may be financially and it may be in terms of our gifts, time or talents.


If you feel that you are being called by God to offer your services within the life of the church then please speak to a member of the ministry team.


If you would like to give financially to our work then please consider one of the options below.


(Please contact the Parish Office if you require more information)



How to give financially to our parish

Offering box


A box is at the back of both churches every week, should you wish to donate by cash.


Standing Order



Cheques made payable to Stanwix PCC can be sent to The Parish Office or placed in the offering box.

Envelope Scheme

Legacy gift


Please consider leaving us a gift in your will. It is best to speak to a solicitor who can help you with your plans.

Don't forget to Gift Aid your donation

For every £10 given we can claim £2.50 back from the government.


Important notes:-

  • You must be a UK taxpayer, and pay sufficient income tax or Capital Gains Tax. If you have only paid £100 in tax in any tax year we cannot claim £200. The onus is on the taxpayer to check this. You will be liable to refund the revenue if too much tax is claimed. You should also consider other charities you give to.

  • Higher rate tax payers can even ask HMRC for the church to receive the difference between the basic and higher rate.

  • This only applies to you and not another tax payer (e.g. spouse)

  • If you cease to pay tax you must inform the Gift Aid secretary straight away

  • Any data held for Gift Aid purposes will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998


If you wish to Gift Aid your donation or would like more information please contact the Parish Office.



Church Street 



Parish Office

01228 511430


10am - 12pm


Monday, Tuesday,

Thursday, Friday



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